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10/40 Trip

I'm going back out on the mission field again! I'm doing another trip with AIM. This is their alumni 10/40 trip. Everyone on this trip has already done a trip with AIM before whether that's the race … Read more about 10/40 Trip

Serve Team

It’s been over 2 months since I updated you guys about what I’ve been doing. I was at home in Michigan for 5 weeks. I have to say that those five weeks were a hard time for much the same … Read more about Serve Team

Coming Home

It has been about a week since I came home from the world race. My squad arrived at the Atlanta airport on June 23rd. We then had a week-long final debrief at Adventures base in Gainesville where we … Read more about Coming Home

Refugee Stories

As I shared briefly in my last blog my team has been helping out Hope Church with refugees that are just passing through before heading to other countries. I wanted to share some of the stories of … Read more about Refugee Stories

Return to Romania

On May 13th our squad returned to the same country that we started the race on, Romania. We are back in the same house with the same church in the same city. It has been really weird arriving in a … Read more about Return to Romania