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Hello everyone, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped me out so far. Whether that be financially or through prayer. It has been amazing to see how faithful God is when you trust Him to provide for you. 

The last few days have not been good because unlike God who is always faithful I haven’t been very faithful to him. I fell into one of my old ways of basically being addicted to a video game when I get back into playing it. Not wanting to spend my free time doing anything but play the game. So my relationship with God the last few days has not been great because of me.

I also noticed that when I let something else like video games take the place of God for even a few days that my anxiety just gets so much worse. I’ve had anxiety for years and only in the last few months have I been learning to trust God with it. In the last two or three weeks my anxiety felt all but gone. It was replaced with His peace. I didn’t realize until yesterday just how much God replaced. Now I’m back to having super high anxiety which feels terrible. Returning to God, spending time with Him, and choosing to serve Him everyday again I’m sure that it will get better. 

On a brighter note I talked with my adviser for this trip last week and he told me that I’m doing really well on the fundraising. I’ve raised more than most people leaving on trips in January which is encouraging. So if you all could continue to pray for me and if possible help out financially that would mean so much to me.

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